Conceptual Change Theory

Advancing Human Rights For All Worldwide

Conceptual Change Theory: Two young boys wearing masks made out of wood are standing next to each other.

Conceptual Change Theory: How it Works

Hardwired's pedagogy for teaching pluralism and human rights is centered around conceptual change theory, which fosters a classroom environment of respect and engagement with people from different backgrounds and beliefs. The goal is not to impose or change the beliefs that shape how students see the world, but to open new avenues of evaluating information based on critical thinking, understanding, and respect for the dignity and freedom of others. 

This is a dynamic process that leads individuals to (a) recognize their current framework for a concept, including by identifying their core values and how their values shape their perspective of a concept, (b) consider new information that leads them to reflect on and challenge their assumptions or ideas, (c) experience cognitive dissonance as they confront ideas that don't make sense, (d) construct new ways of thinking and understanding about a concept as they think critically about different perspectives and try to make sense of the information, and (e) critically evaluate and revise their new understanding as they apply it to real-world contexts to determine what works for them.

Conceptual Change Theory: A group of people are sitting around a table making crafts.

Our Impact

By employing conceptual change theory in our training programs, we can more effectively build a culture of respect for the dignity and rights of others that can be sustained long after the program ends.  Educators develop skills to facilitate students' engagement with one another, especially across their deepest differences, by encouraging understanding, self-reflection, critical thinking, dialogue, and the open expression of diverse ideas. And through conceptual change theory, they develop new skills to evaluate student learning. As a result, educators who experience conceptual change illustrate the long-term impact Hardwired’s program can have on education for the promotion of pluralism and respect for human rights. 

The efficacy of the program lies in its approach to those educators who would otherwise never “opt in” to a training on human rights or associated topics. It is these educators who need and benefit most from our programs. To this end, leaders we train within schools and districts are critical to the replication, scalability and long-term sustainability of the program, particularly in reaching educators in a way that we cannot. These educational leaders are an essential channel to reach and support the majority base of teachers who will ultimately influence broader discourse and attitudes towards pluralism and respect for the dignity and rights of others within communities. 

Conceptual Change Theory: A group of women are standing in front of a whiteboard with a picture of a duck on it.

What We Offer

Hardwired Global's pedagogy for teaching pluralism and human rights is centered around conceptual change theory, which fosters respect for the dignity and rights of others.  We partner with educators to (1) develop knowledge and skills needed to model pluralism and respect for human rights in the classroom, (2) integrate new information and methods into their teaching and existing curricula, (3) implement lessons that lead youth toward greater respect for the dignity and rights of others, including the freedom of speech and expression for a diversity of opinions and beliefs, (4) more effectively evaluate student learning, (5) cultivate a culture of pluralism in the classroom where students respectfully engage with one another across their deepest differences, and (6) respond to and overcome challenges to pluralism in the classroom, such as bullying, intolerance, marginalization, discrimination, and violence.

Conceptual Change Theory: A group of children are sitting around a table drawing with crayons.


Hardwired has published several articles on the impact of conceptual change theory on rights-based education, which can be found on our Research page.  Our professional development programs have been used to help educators counter intolerance and extremism, and provide tools for lasting behavior change through empathy, resilience, and respect for the rights and freedoms of others.  It is adaptable to diverse educational environments and has been successfully applied in several conflict-affected regions, such as Iraq, as well as schools facing different challenges to peace and pluralism across the United States, in schools with diverse and homogenous populations, with refugees and newcomers, and with all-boy and all-girl classrooms. 


Conceptual Change Theory: A pair of black quotation marks on a white background.

In 2013, I was introduced to the work of Hardwired Global.  I have had the privilege of experiencing profound and lasting results from this great works.  The team has seen hatreds that have spanned centuries and generations be replaced by tolerance and understanding through education.

Kathy Ireland, Founder and Chief Designer of kiWW

(Kathy Ireland WorldWide) 

Conceptual Change Theory: A pair of black quotation marks on a white background.

Participation opportunities were abundant, and the participants really got into their roles. Flow and resources were great. Thank you!

I will apply all the I learned from Hardwired’s Fruioptia in the classroom and will help my students understand what I’ve learned.

Teacher, Kiddinu Academy, El Cajon, California

Conceptual Change Theory: A pair of black quotation marks on a white background.

This is a cause very close to my heart. 

What’s great about this program is that it helps establish a bridge between these different baselines and the students come away with a better understanding of each other and of the inherent value of every individual.

Enes Freedom, former NBA Basketball Player and Human Rights Advocate

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